Landscapes of Utopia
Akari Uragami
2024年6月7日(金)から 6月30日(日)、K Art Galleryにて、Akari Uragamiの個展を開催いたします。
Akari Uragamiは自然物や染織を用いたソフトスカルプチャーと油絵を主に用い、生物としての人間を探究しています。
Akari Uragami
近年はLAID BUGでの個展(代官山 2023)、CompoundYV (CA, USA 2021)、Matamoros 404 (オアハカ、メキシコ2023)でのグループ展や、The Conran Shopとのコラボレーションおよび壁画制作(2022)、渋谷PARCOエントランスでのインスタレーション(2021)など国内外で活動している。
開催期間:2024年6月7日(金)- 6月30日(日)
会場:K Art Gallery(東京都港区北青山3丁目7-5)
開館時間:12:00 〜 19:00 土曜日・日曜日は11:00から
2024年6月7日(金) 17:00-21:00
A solo exhibition by Akari Uragami will be held at K Art Gallery from Friday, June 7 to Sunday, June 30, 2024.
Akari Uragami explores human existence working primarily with oil paintings and soft sculptures using natural materials and textiles.
She attempts to deconstruct and reconstruct the image of humanity, drawing from her own day-to-day experiences and observing human ecology objectively, aiming to shed new light on human form and interaction.
In this exhibition, she will display soft sculptures and paintings that contemplate the existence of humans while traversing between
three fields: consciousness, organism, and concept.
Akari Uragami
Born in Tokyo
Uragami is currently operating between Tokyo and Kanagawa. Her work attempts to reconstruct, reinterpret and abstract the human form using minimal elements. She primarily creates paintings and soft sculptures using natural materials and textiles.
Recent activities both in Japan and internationally include an installation at the entrance of Shibuya-PARCO (Tokyo 2021), a solo exhibition at LAID BUG (Daikanyama, Tokyo 2023), group exhibitions at Matamoros404 (Oaxaca, Mexico 2023) and Compound YV (CA, USA 2021), and collaboration with The Conran Shop (2022) which included special products and an in store mural.
Date: 2024.6.7.Fri - 30.Sun
Venue: K Art Gallery (3-7-5 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Opening Hours: 12:00-19:00 (Sat & Sun 11:00-)
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays
[Opening Reception]
June 7, 2024 (Friday) 17:00-21:00
*Open to everyone
