相添ふ ai-sou
清水 雄稀
2024年8月9日(金)から 8月25日(日)、K Art Galleryにて、
清水 雄稀の個展、『相添ふ ai-sou』を開催いたします。
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背景や空間に伴って物の見え方というのは大きく変化します。この度個展を開催させて頂くk art galleryのスペースは私にとって初めて体験する大きさでして、この広さに負けないよう、今回の展示はギャラリーの空間を主軸に考え制作に取り組み始めました。
清水 雄稀
Profile: 清水 雄稀
主な展示に、個展「標と徴」gallery-1(2022)、個展「欲の間」art for thought(2023)、その他グループ展に多数参加。
【開催日時】2024年8月9日(金)- 8月25日(日)
【開館時間】12:00-18:00 (月曜、火曜休館)
【会場】K Art Gallery 〒107-0061 東京都港区北青山3-7-5
2024年8月7日(金) 16:00-20:00
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The solo exhibition "Ai-sou" by Yuki Shimizu will open at K Art Gallery from Friday, August 9, 2024, to Sunday, August 25, 2024.
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The way things appear can change dramatically depending on the background and space. The space at K Art Gallery, where I am holding this solo exhibition, is the largest I have ever experienced. To ensure that the exhibit complements the spaciousness, I started by focusing on the gallery’s space as the main axis for my work.
The gallery’s floor, walls, ceiling, and furniture each function as unique stage props. I realized that the density of the exhibition increases only when considering both the individuality of these elements and the spatial impact of the artworks.
Many predecessors have shown various approaches to the topic of space and artwork, but I hope you will feel and understand my current approach in this space. Thank you for taking the time to view my exhibition.
Yuki Shimizu
Profile: Yuki Shimizu
Ceramic artist. Graduated in 2022 from the Ceramics Department of the Graduate School of Tokyo University of the Arts. Aims to create works where material, shaping methods, form, patterns, and firing are integrated. Interested in the origins of patterns and the meanings or impressions that are subsequently attributed to them. Major exhibitions include the solo exhibition "標と徴 (Symbol and Sign)" at gallery-1 (2022), the solo exhibition "欲の間 (Space of Desire)" at art for thought (2023), and participation in numerous group exhibitions.
Exhibition Dates: Friday, August 9, 2024 - Sunday, August 25, 2024
Opening Hours: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays)
Venue: K Art Gallery, 3-7-5 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061
Opening Reception:
Friday, August 7, 2024, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
*Everyone is welcome to attend.
