Sayaka Miyauchi
これまでWeWork JK A&Gに所属し作品提供を行なってきた。「自然」から派生る”Landscape"や"suffah"、蓄積を題材としたジオメトリックグラフィック"tumori"が代表的なテーマで、立体作品やミューラルペイントなど多方面にわたり活動している。Landscapeを題材にした本作は、特定の場所ではなく、これまで見てきた多くの風景からできあがるもの。作家であるsayaka miyauchiの経験のフィルターを通して生まれた新しい風景である。穏やかで雄大な自然、彼女は、どこかで見たことがあるような見る人の記憶を想起させる風景をアートとして発信し続けている。
Born in Chiba, Japan.
Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Visual Communication Design.
She has been a member of WeWork JK A&G, where she has contributed her works. Her representative themes are "Landscape" and "suffah" derived from "nature" and "tumori," a geometric graphic based on accumulation, and she is active in various fields including sculpture and mural painting, This work, which is based on the theme of "Landscape," is not based on a specific place, but is created from the many landscapes he has seen. It is a new landscape created through the filter of the artist Sayaka miyauchi's experience. She continues to create art that evokes memories of the serene and majestic nature that she has seen somewhere before.